January 14, 2008


There are so many. Some are big, some are small. Few of them last a lifetime and many flame up and vanish without a trace. Some are forced upon us through family bonds, and others we seek out in marriages.

What makes us want to get involved in relationships? Many will say a sense of belongingness. Humans are by nature are herding animals. They live in packs and travel alone or on groups.

Yet all of these are general assumptions that have been extrapolated to the masses through few educated countries that have sent scientists and anthropologists all over the world to interpret behaviors and actions of the people that speak a different language and have different customs.

Do you think that there might be a little misinterpretation occurring here? What actually causes people to want to have relationships? Ever heard a cliché "monkey see, monkey do"?

One sees and interprets, and then others see and interpret. Eventually a whole society starts from nothing but an interpretation of someone co-habiting the same area for a temporary period of time. Soon, a relationship based society becomes a norm rather than exception.

And here we are, seeking other's approvals, liking, and friendship. Don’t believe me? Go to Starbucks and start clipping your nails inside the. Now, try just biting your nails. Accomplishes the same result, but what a difference!

More to come...

Beginning of the life on earth

Many scientists can tell you when the earth planet was formed (4.54 billion years ago). However, what no one can tell you with any certainty is how we all came to be.

One theory is population through Adam and Eve. Another is random collisions that eventually formed the one cell molecules, AKA theory of evolution. However, when a person looks at either of these explanations, some convincing is required.

One thing that I've learned through my studies and seeking of enlightenment is whenever you have to convince yourself, your soul doesn't believe it. It’s a human nature, premonition to realize those things. Children at a young age notice when their soul doesn't agree with what they're being told. So the point that I want you to take away is that if you have to rationalize and make the belief/behavior "okay", then don't believe it or bother wasting your time on it.

Natural knowledge of this event, speaks against organized religions and scientific explanations. What natural knowledge tells me is that we as physical beings (and all living life on earth) have been engineered in phases, iterations, and with full premeditation. Even human beings as species have been designed and redesigned several times, and it can be seen now through different races, habits, and simply appearances.

Which one is superior? Which one is inferior? Which one came first? Which was last?

Does it matter? For thousands of years humans have been trying to prove their superiority over their neighbors by murdering them based on religion, sexual preferences, age, gender, race, color, etc. But why do any of these "facts" matter? How about, we're all inferior to our creators! Yet, we were all created in their images? That means that they're inferior to themselves, which in turn, makes us superior to them. :)

Beings that have designed us have full understanding of the concept of a soul and how it possesses a body. In fact, many races of extraterrestrials have participated in unison and individually in creating what we now call life on earth. From the tiniest microbe to the largest dinosaur, all was designed, revised, and produced.

Production for those beings is nothing close to what we see in labs or assembly lines. They produced us through thought that materialized into matter. Why can't scientists create simplistic life from atoms? Because they are using machines rather than thought itself. Most of the organisms on earth can't exist on their own, yet they do in spite of themselves.

Why were we created? Because the beings knew that for all to experience, a new world had to exist, where certain rules were applicable and certain were not. In all of the dimensions, we have all rule variations, which enable all experiences. The only hard concept to explain is the experience of non-existing, or experience of un-experiencing.

So the age-old question has been answered, we were created and now we even know by who, although we don't know how many, except we know that we were created by all.

More to come...

January 9, 2008


It is the purest, most common, and truest feeling that we possess. Babies know it before birth, blind people see it, deaf hear it, and all feel it.

In our daily lives, we might express it in many ways, verbal and non-verbal. However, as we age, our definition of love becomes mere admiration, gratitude, or a decoration to an event.

Love, in its purest form is unconditional, all accepting, all forgiving. Rather than saying that I love you, if you do this, become this way, or because of that, it's learned love.

When you can look in a person's eyes and say “I love you”, no strings attached, not carrying if the love is reciprocated, accepted, or acknowledged, that is the true love. Face it, none of this is real, you can't hurt yourself or anyone else, so why not "expose" yourself? Place yourself in a vulnerable position and truly acknowledge another person's existence.

This is the “godly love”, what religion is teaching, but its preaching has perverted it. They say god is a loving god, but if you don't accept him, you'll go to hell :). If you do accept him, then heaven awaits you.

Love all, love all the moments, love unconditionally...

More to come....


We call creation and existence, life. It is a beauty in its truest form, yet it doesn't exist. There is no such thing as new life or death. In a never-ending circle of existence, where there is no beginning or end, life and death are nothing more than our fictional creations.

When a soul materializes and is "born", nothing was created, as the soul always existed. When a soul leaves, "death" is a marker of change of state; just like birth.

We celebrate the birth and mourn death, but it should be not so. We teach young ones, when we should help them remember instead. Kids know everything that elders know, see the circle of life and relation between souls and dimensions.

The most painful experience that a soul will ever encounter is being limited in power and crippled by amnesia of existing in a physical body. So next time someone dies, remember them for whom they were to you and smile upon them as they are in no more pain and they have remembered all of their wisdom.

They look at us, in physical bodies, with sorrow and compassion, as they know how much pain we feel, all because we associate ourselves with the players rather than observers. Awakening is nothing more than realizing that you have become separate from the game and the character that you've been playing. Awake yourself and become free from pain.

Remember, you have come to this world with nothing, and that is all you'll take with you. The only purpose for existing in a body is to experience self, which in turn lets you experience all.

Rejoice and birth, rejoice at death, rejoice at every moment. Experience every moment; don't let this mighty experience go by unnoticed because of ignorance, self-absorption, and pursuit of someone else's goals and objectives.

More to come....

January 6, 2008


What is disease (illness)? It is something that interferes with your state of easiness (dis-ease). Where would we be if not for such a marvelous thing?

Illness brings families together, ends wars and conflicts, and calls for the greatest power available to human race: love and compassion. You might think, well, it feels bad, I don't like being sick, or I want to always be healthy. In fact, most of the Russian toasts are "на здоровье", which translates to "to health." What an oxymoron? You will poison your liver, kidneys, intestines, heart, and incapacitate your brain. Yet you're drinking to health....

Let's face it, when you're healthy, you could care less how well you breathe, how well your liver works, teeth chewing, or even notice your heart beating or the throat swallowing. But the moment you "catch" a disease, you notice your body. It’s the only body you have to get you through this life (more on this later), and you're poisoning it with tobacco, alcohol, decomposing food (nothing that we eat is still living, except for rare cases), and other drugs and toxins.

The argument that we present, or face whenever posing this question either verbally or mentally, come on, it feels good; I enjoy it; I'm addicted; what, I should quit eating?; and many others...

Why am I writing about such a bleak subject? Well, I have some disease and honestly, it’s neither good nor bad, yet everyone wishes me speedy recovery or giving me advice. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind; however, criticizing my past actions and associating them with my current state does 0% good to everyone. No one knows how or when they got sick, they are just sick at the present moment. Next moment they can choose to be well, and the illness goes away.

At the same time, this disease has given me a chance to pay attention to areas of my body that I usually overlook, sinuses, throat, and neck. Paying attention to the portions of the body, while body is in process of defending itself against a microbe can be more entertaining than any soap opera. At least in this case, you can relate and root for one or the other, it doesn’t matter who wins…

The challenge that is present, however, is staying present when the mind wants to shut down due to pressure, fever, or plain discomfort. Paying attention to the current moment gives you a full control over the next moment, and the moment after that, and after that, etc… Anyone can moan and groan regarding how much they don’t like being sick, but that does nothing more than solicit sympathy or creates fear of passing/catching the illness. Rather than feeling sorry for one, I ask you to rejoice in a natural process and observe it. Once you detach yourself from the character that you play, you will finally see the whole game. Seeing the game from a neutral point of view allows you to make a wise decision regarding the direction of the next moment, which doesn’t exist yet already occurred.

“Play your part in the comedy, but don't identify yourself with your role!” - Why Lazurus Laughed by Wei Wu Wei...

More to come…

January 5, 2008


As I get up, slowly make my way to the restroom and turn the lights on, my eyes start to hurt. Still trying to figure out what that barrage of noise, which is still ringing in my ears, was. Not sure if I'm really awake or still sleeping and pretending that the dream was that the alarm went off.

Shortly, I come to senses, do the morning ritual, and get out of the door into a fresh, crisp winter air. I dread making my way down the flight of stairs to an icicle car. As I shiver in the seat while the car warms up, I start to think.... What if I'm still asleep? What if this is just my imagination?

Shortly, I make my way to Starbucks, through interstate 35. The entire 5 minute trip got me thinking... Why bother with worrying about the bright headlights behind me, the 10 minute wait for coffee, or the $14 that I have spent there? How do I know that I'm not dreaming? How do I make sure that this is really happening? What if the alarm will go off in the next few seconds? Will I do the same thing; will I see the same cars, people, and events?

What if I'm not even in Dallas? What if I don't even own an alarm clock or a car?

Interesting questions, they are :). But nonetheless, what difference will it make? If you know that you're dreaming will you then act differently than if you're awake? Will you say and mean the same things? Will you care?

Actually, people like Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, Moses, and countless others who were awaken, didn't care what happens here. Why care about something that IS a dream?

At the same time, if you know that it is not real, a rehearsal if you will, why be ashamed, scared, paranoid, or cautious? Why fear mistakes? Do it all, regardless if you classify it as good or bad, it just is.

Some things carry consequences, others don't, but all are real, not actual. Everything in your life is real, as real as you choose to make it. Almost nothing is actually happening!

We all live 99.9999% of our lives looking through a rear-view mirror. Based on what we sensed (saw, touched, tasted, heard, smelled, or thought), we react. That's right folks, we react. The other 0.0001% we act. And most of the action we produce as little kids until about an age of 3 or 4. Slowly, however, we are taught to mind, respect, and behave a certain "acceptable" way.

Some things make sense, like not murdering, but others don't, such as eating veggies/meat. If all has a soul, and all is alive until it dies, ending any life prematurely is a murder! Don't murder that carrot! Let that ear of corn live! Don't even think about killing that ant!

What is acceptable today will be unacceptable tomorrow, and vice versa. Thinking that the government is being run by idiots that want to have power is acceptable. When a dictator comes to power, it becomes unacceptable to have those thoughts. "Think. It’s not illegal yet!" I like this quote, not sure who said it, but it doesn't matter.

One piece of truth, all action comes through the following steps:

1) Thought

2) Words

3) Actions

Without a thought, no words or actions will occur. Without words, no action can result. Without action, thoughts and words are just that, thoughts and words. To eliminate the action, eliminate the thought.

More to come...