January 5, 2008


As I get up, slowly make my way to the restroom and turn the lights on, my eyes start to hurt. Still trying to figure out what that barrage of noise, which is still ringing in my ears, was. Not sure if I'm really awake or still sleeping and pretending that the dream was that the alarm went off.

Shortly, I come to senses, do the morning ritual, and get out of the door into a fresh, crisp winter air. I dread making my way down the flight of stairs to an icicle car. As I shiver in the seat while the car warms up, I start to think.... What if I'm still asleep? What if this is just my imagination?

Shortly, I make my way to Starbucks, through interstate 35. The entire 5 minute trip got me thinking... Why bother with worrying about the bright headlights behind me, the 10 minute wait for coffee, or the $14 that I have spent there? How do I know that I'm not dreaming? How do I make sure that this is really happening? What if the alarm will go off in the next few seconds? Will I do the same thing; will I see the same cars, people, and events?

What if I'm not even in Dallas? What if I don't even own an alarm clock or a car?

Interesting questions, they are :). But nonetheless, what difference will it make? If you know that you're dreaming will you then act differently than if you're awake? Will you say and mean the same things? Will you care?

Actually, people like Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, Moses, and countless others who were awaken, didn't care what happens here. Why care about something that IS a dream?

At the same time, if you know that it is not real, a rehearsal if you will, why be ashamed, scared, paranoid, or cautious? Why fear mistakes? Do it all, regardless if you classify it as good or bad, it just is.

Some things carry consequences, others don't, but all are real, not actual. Everything in your life is real, as real as you choose to make it. Almost nothing is actually happening!

We all live 99.9999% of our lives looking through a rear-view mirror. Based on what we sensed (saw, touched, tasted, heard, smelled, or thought), we react. That's right folks, we react. The other 0.0001% we act. And most of the action we produce as little kids until about an age of 3 or 4. Slowly, however, we are taught to mind, respect, and behave a certain "acceptable" way.

Some things make sense, like not murdering, but others don't, such as eating veggies/meat. If all has a soul, and all is alive until it dies, ending any life prematurely is a murder! Don't murder that carrot! Let that ear of corn live! Don't even think about killing that ant!

What is acceptable today will be unacceptable tomorrow, and vice versa. Thinking that the government is being run by idiots that want to have power is acceptable. When a dictator comes to power, it becomes unacceptable to have those thoughts. "Think. It’s not illegal yet!" I like this quote, not sure who said it, but it doesn't matter.

One piece of truth, all action comes through the following steps:

1) Thought

2) Words

3) Actions

Without a thought, no words or actions will occur. Without words, no action can result. Without action, thoughts and words are just that, thoughts and words. To eliminate the action, eliminate the thought.

More to come...

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