January 14, 2008


There are so many. Some are big, some are small. Few of them last a lifetime and many flame up and vanish without a trace. Some are forced upon us through family bonds, and others we seek out in marriages.

What makes us want to get involved in relationships? Many will say a sense of belongingness. Humans are by nature are herding animals. They live in packs and travel alone or on groups.

Yet all of these are general assumptions that have been extrapolated to the masses through few educated countries that have sent scientists and anthropologists all over the world to interpret behaviors and actions of the people that speak a different language and have different customs.

Do you think that there might be a little misinterpretation occurring here? What actually causes people to want to have relationships? Ever heard a cliché "monkey see, monkey do"?

One sees and interprets, and then others see and interpret. Eventually a whole society starts from nothing but an interpretation of someone co-habiting the same area for a temporary period of time. Soon, a relationship based society becomes a norm rather than exception.

And here we are, seeking other's approvals, liking, and friendship. Don’t believe me? Go to Starbucks and start clipping your nails inside the. Now, try just biting your nails. Accomplishes the same result, but what a difference!

More to come...

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