December 27, 2007

In the beginning, the time before time, there was all...

...and all was neither good nor bad, but just was/is/will be.
Now, to better explain the concepts, I think that some terminology must be described.

Reality - something (event, deed, object, subject, action, etc) that we perceive to take place.

Actuality - what is, something that occurs, exists, acts, etc regardless of our perception. A good example is atoms; they exist, although we can't see them, so do micro organisms, etc.

Time - a circular (never ending, never beginning) frame of reference. This is nothing more than a way that humans refer to events (past, present, future); however, all events exist and occur simultaneously.

Space - distance between 2 specific objects, emptiness and vacuum don't exist in their absolute.

God - all things that are thinkable and not

More definitions will follow :).

I particularly enjoyed Neale Donald Walsch's "Conversations with God", and I completely agree with his explanation of the time before time, so in an abbreviated form, here it is:

God was everywhere, one and all. There was no place where god wasn't, since a mere thought of that place prompted god to be there. So how can god know what god is? God split itself into 2. Now 2 portions of god can observe each other. That was nice, but still, many observances and experiences could not be, so god started dividing into smaller and smaller portions; that, we currently call "souls". Each soul is unique, thus god can experience each unique attribute of self. As new unique attributes became needed (evolved from experience), they appeared. After all, god is everywhere.

Now, the tough part, you are what you are not. What does that mean? Well, you can't be who you're not, so in order to experience who you are, you should experience who you aren't. Example: you can't say that you're not a murderer until you murder and realize that it’s not your cup of tea. You can't say that you're a teacher until you experience yourself as not a teacher and then as a teacher. Who knows, may be you're a student? :)

So in order to experience, some sort of a sand box had to be created to instill the basic rules for souls to determine who they're not.

Viola, here comes earth (and all of the planets and galaxies)... To create the matter, a thought is needed. In fact, creation first comes from thought, then communication (current human beings use speech), and then action. If a thought is powerful enough, it will involve all 3 aspects at once. Therefore, god thought and so it became.

Let me take a little detour and address the bible version, god said let there be light and there was light. I don't want you to feel left out; god didn't do it for you! You're the one who was speaking, you're god! I know, hard to digest, especially for hard-core religious followers (more on this later). At the beginning there was all, nothing was created, it was just changed from one state of reality to another, in actuality, it all stayed the same. You're a soul, realizing self in a flesh; yet you can't hurt yourself.

We're back on the highway.... With a thought, reality is shaped. Reality doesn't exist without you "thinking it up", actually, you're making all of this up, including the time that you're spending reading it, you already read it, know it, felt it.... Now you're just re-experiencing it :)

Matter as we know it, is nothing more than our imagination hard at work visualizing and tricking your senses into believing that walls are solid, fire is red, sky is blue, and water is wet.

Actually, it’s all energy that takes matter-like qualities at different frequencies (vibrations). In eastern beliefs, sound of “aum” or “om” is considered to be the sound of everything, so a frequency can create and change....

More to come...

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