Soul is a part of god (AKA all). Since everything is god (AKA all), that means that everything is (has in a traditional sense) a soul. All souls are one, since they’re created (partitioned) from all (AKA god). Now, if god is all and souls are all, that means that souls are god.
Looking at the Christian belief (what I’ve been exposed to the most in my life; however, born a Jew and not religion), god created man in his own image. What does that have to do with all souls being god? Well, Christian explanation is a perverted version of “all is god”. Since all is god, that means every single soul is god, and in turn, rather than worshiping outward, all souls should worship inward. Worshiping inward means to actually quiet your mind (the chatterbox between your 2 ears) and listen to yourself (the soul). You “speak” in a faint, quiet, yet sharp and clear voice. However, your mind speaks (in the most natural way) in a loud, incoherent, unorganized, dull manner.
One way to quiet your mind is through meditation. The purpose of yoga is to help you meditate. Unfortunately, for most of the yoga studios in America (the ones that I’ve been to in Dallas, TX), meditation takes a backseat to the physical practice. Fear or converting hard-core religious fanatics to another religion (Buddhism/Taoism/Hinduism), in my opinion has halted the spread of meditation (beyond 5 minutes after the physical yoga practice). So it’s easy to see that there’s layers upon layers that have been invented (imagined) to ensure that you can talk to your soul… your mind is persistent enough that it doesn’t want to let go of thoughts.
Once your chatterbox is silenced, you start to see who you really are. You start to see the connection between yourself, others, and the environment. Seeing where you fit in the big picture makes a difference between living the life blindly and living it with the full awareness, enjoyment, and appreciation of complexity, integration, and beautiful simplicity.
Simplicity is all around us, whether it’s watching a newborn child’s smile, thunderstorm forming, and ocean waves coming ashore, or breathing. Complexity; however, is the way that all of these things come together. How we can get everything we want (more on this later) and yet not infringe on others’ wants. The world is full of abundance, yet we see it as linear, 4-dimensional (length, width, height, and time). In actuality, the world is circular (and you thought that Columbus would drop off the face of the earth plane :) ).
Let’s look at the circularity of the world…
Average person perceives the world as flat (yet it’s a common knowledge that it’s round). You would have to be pretty high in the atmosphere to actually see the curvature of the planet. So, we see the world as nothing more as length X width X height X time… Time, what an interesting concept... Did you know that time doesn’t exist? Yes, it’s true. We use time as a reference point of it happened, it’s happening, or it will happen. Yet, if you experience a rare event (such a car accident, a particularly funny joke, or a curiously unique occurrence), it seems that the time just stops. In a car accident, you can see everything in absolute clarity, detail, and from all angles. You wonder how come I didn’t turn the wheel, duck, or just got out of the way. Well, your mind has been conditioned by the society that time always moves, and you can do nothing but observe.
All of this becomes a mute point when you realize that time doesn’t exist. Want to see 5 minutes last 5 hours? Stop your chatterbox and you’ll see. When your mind is not thinking (on a runaway train at 5,000 thoughts per second), time simply stops for you.
So, without time, what is there? Well, all of the past, present, and future are occurring all at once. You’re simply choosing a reference point from which you want to observe those occurrences. Once you realize the strength of your mind, you’ll be able not only to travel to past, but also the future. Future is a very interesting topic which I’ll cover later… Do try to understand how a single circle of past, present, and future revolves around you. Once you start to understand, throw in infinite number of circles around infinite instances of you (which exist in infinite amount of dimensions), and that is your soul.
So you see; harming your self is impossible. Harming your soul, which is a near-impossible task as you’d have to harm all everywhere at every time.
Jesus of Nazareth (AKA Jesus Christ), has perfected the instance. Once your soul in all of the dimensions that you exist in performs the same thing all of the time, you become “enlightened”. That means that your soul energy is joined together everywhere and your thoughts, words, and actions carry that much weight. You can say a word, and someone might hear you. But if billion trillions of you say that word, guess what? A lot more will hear you. :)
The purpose of this blog is to explore the enlightenment journey, challenge your thinking/reasoning, and overall simply entertain you…
More to come…
Looking at the Christian belief (what I’ve been exposed to the most in my life; however, born a Jew and not religion), god created man in his own image. What does that have to do with all souls being god? Well, Christian explanation is a perverted version of “all is god”. Since all is god, that means every single soul is god, and in turn, rather than worshiping outward, all souls should worship inward. Worshiping inward means to actually quiet your mind (the chatterbox between your 2 ears) and listen to yourself (the soul). You “speak” in a faint, quiet, yet sharp and clear voice. However, your mind speaks (in the most natural way) in a loud, incoherent, unorganized, dull manner.
One way to quiet your mind is through meditation. The purpose of yoga is to help you meditate. Unfortunately, for most of the yoga studios in America (the ones that I’ve been to in Dallas, TX), meditation takes a backseat to the physical practice. Fear or converting hard-core religious fanatics to another religion (Buddhism/Taoism/Hinduism), in my opinion has halted the spread of meditation (beyond 5 minutes after the physical yoga practice). So it’s easy to see that there’s layers upon layers that have been invented (imagined) to ensure that you can talk to your soul… your mind is persistent enough that it doesn’t want to let go of thoughts.
Once your chatterbox is silenced, you start to see who you really are. You start to see the connection between yourself, others, and the environment. Seeing where you fit in the big picture makes a difference between living the life blindly and living it with the full awareness, enjoyment, and appreciation of complexity, integration, and beautiful simplicity.
Simplicity is all around us, whether it’s watching a newborn child’s smile, thunderstorm forming, and ocean waves coming ashore, or breathing. Complexity; however, is the way that all of these things come together. How we can get everything we want (more on this later) and yet not infringe on others’ wants. The world is full of abundance, yet we see it as linear, 4-dimensional (length, width, height, and time). In actuality, the world is circular (and you thought that Columbus would drop off the face of the earth plane :) ).
Let’s look at the circularity of the world…
Average person perceives the world as flat (yet it’s a common knowledge that it’s round). You would have to be pretty high in the atmosphere to actually see the curvature of the planet. So, we see the world as nothing more as length X width X height X time… Time, what an interesting concept... Did you know that time doesn’t exist? Yes, it’s true. We use time as a reference point of it happened, it’s happening, or it will happen. Yet, if you experience a rare event (such a car accident, a particularly funny joke, or a curiously unique occurrence), it seems that the time just stops. In a car accident, you can see everything in absolute clarity, detail, and from all angles. You wonder how come I didn’t turn the wheel, duck, or just got out of the way. Well, your mind has been conditioned by the society that time always moves, and you can do nothing but observe.
All of this becomes a mute point when you realize that time doesn’t exist. Want to see 5 minutes last 5 hours? Stop your chatterbox and you’ll see. When your mind is not thinking (on a runaway train at 5,000 thoughts per second), time simply stops for you.
So, without time, what is there? Well, all of the past, present, and future are occurring all at once. You’re simply choosing a reference point from which you want to observe those occurrences. Once you realize the strength of your mind, you’ll be able not only to travel to past, but also the future. Future is a very interesting topic which I’ll cover later… Do try to understand how a single circle of past, present, and future revolves around you. Once you start to understand, throw in infinite number of circles around infinite instances of you (which exist in infinite amount of dimensions), and that is your soul.
So you see; harming your self is impossible. Harming your soul, which is a near-impossible task as you’d have to harm all everywhere at every time.
Jesus of Nazareth (AKA Jesus Christ), has perfected the instance. Once your soul in all of the dimensions that you exist in performs the same thing all of the time, you become “enlightened”. That means that your soul energy is joined together everywhere and your thoughts, words, and actions carry that much weight. You can say a word, and someone might hear you. But if billion trillions of you say that word, guess what? A lot more will hear you. :)
The purpose of this blog is to explore the enlightenment journey, challenge your thinking/reasoning, and overall simply entertain you…
More to come…
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